4. Deployment

This chapter lists different ways to deploy THOR in an environment. Most of these methods are OS specific.

4.1. Licensing

In almost any method of deployment, the provision of valid licenses for the scanners on the endpoints is a core issue. Every license is limited to one host (name) only. In any case, a valid license has to be generated before a scan, otherwise THOR will exit immediately.

There are numerous options to retrieve a valid license for a host.


  • use an ASGARD Agent

  • download THOR package with license from ASGARD's Downloads section

  • generate licenses in ASGARD's web GUI under Licensing > Generate Licenses

  • use THOR's --asgard and --asgard-token parameters to retrieve a license

  • use ASGARD's API to retrieve a license manually

Without ASGARD:

  • generate a license in the web GUI of the customer portal

  • use THOR's --portal-key and --portal-contracts parameters to retrieve a license from the customer portal

  • use the Customer Portal's API to retrieve a license manually

Some of the options are described in more detail in the following two chapters.

4.1.1. Retrieve Valid License From ASGARD Use THOR's --asgard and --asgard-token parameters

In ASGARD 2.5+ you're able to configure a download token to limit the download of THOR packages and licenses to clients with knowledge of this token. The token is a protection that no one without knowledge of that token can intentionally exceed your license quota limit or retrieve a THOR package without authorization.

The download token can be configured in the Downloads section of you ASGARD server.

Downloads > Download Token Configuration

Downloads > Download Token Configuration

You can retrieve an appropriate THOR license at the scan start using the built-in --asgard and --asgard-token parameters.

C:\temp\thor>thor64.exe --asgard my-asgard.internal
C:\temp\thor>thor64.exe --asgard my-asgard.internal --asgard-token OCU92GW1CyOJLzaHkGrim1v2O0_ZkHPu0A

If everything works as expected, you'll see an INFO level message in the output that looks like:

Info: Init License file found LICENSE: my-asgard.internal OWNER: Master ASGARD: ACME Inc TYPE: Workstation STARTS: 2021/06/18 EXPIRES: 2022/06/18 SCANNER: All Scanners VALID: true REASON: Use ASGARD's API to retrieve a license manually

You can also script the license retrieval from a local ASGARD server by using the API. The help box in ASGARD's Licensing > Generate License section shows curl requests that can be used to retrieve licenses from your ASGARD server.

Licensing > Generate Licenses

Licensing > Generate Licenses

All you need is:

  • Hostname

  • System Type (server or workstation)


Linux is always using the server license type

If there is uncertainty it's recommended to generate server type licenses which are more expensive but run on both system types.

For example: To retrieve a valid license for the servers named SRV001 and SRV002 you can use the following command:

nextron@unix:~$ curl -XPOST "https://my-asgard.internal:8443/api/v0/licensing/issue?token=OJCBaTq4VGLjrCes2k4ACCQOzg0AxAoz01" -o licenses.zip -d "type=server" -d "hostnames=SRV001" -d "hostnames=SRV002" ... -d "hostnames=hostnameN"

If you can't use curl and want to retrieve a license as part of a bigger PowerShell script, you can use the following code snippet to help you with the retrieval.

 1# License retrieval script
 2# Florian Roth, June 2021
 5$AsgardURL = "https://asgard.nextron-systems.com:8443/api/v0/licensing/issue"
 6$Token = ""
 7$LicenseFile = "licenses.zip"
 8$OutputPath = ".\"
 9$ExtractLicenses = $True
11# Config
12# Ignore Self-signed certificates
13[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}
14# Set current working directory for .NET as well
15[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = (Get-Location -PSProvider FileSystem).ProviderPath
17# Web Client
18[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
19$WebClient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient 
20if ( $Token ) {
21    $AsgardURL = [string]::Format("{0}?token={1}", $AsgardURL, $Token)
23Write-Host "Using URL: $AsgardURL"
25# Hostname
26$Hostname = $env:COMPUTERNAME
28# License Type
29$LicenseType = "server"
30$OsInfo = Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem
31if ( $osInfo.ProductType -eq 1 ) { 
32    $LicenseType = "workstation"
35# Proxy Support
36$WebClient.Proxy = [System.Net.WebRequest]::DefaultWebProxy
37$WebClient.Proxy.Credentials = [System.Net.CredentialCache]::DefaultNetworkCredentials
39# Prepare request
40$postData=New-Object System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection
43Write-Host "Requesting license for HOST: $Hostname TYPE: $LicenseType"
45# Request license
46try {
47    $Response = $WebClient.UploadValues($AsgardURL, $postData)
48# HTTP Errors
49} catch [System.Net.WebException] {
50    Write-Host "The following error occurred: $_"
51    $Response = $_.Exception.Response
52    # 403
53    if ( [int]$Response.StatusCode -eq 403 ) { 
54        Write-Host "This can be caused by a missing download token."
55    }
56    break
58[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes($LicenseFile, $Response);
60# Extract licenses
61if ( $ExtractLicenses ) {
62    Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
63    try {
64        [System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($LicenseFile, $OutputPath)
65    } catch {
66        Write-Host "The following error occurred: $_"
67    }
68    Remove-Item -Path $LicenseFile

Check the ASGARD helper scripts section in our Github repo for more scripts and snippets.

4.1.2. Retrieve Valid License From Customer Portal Use THOR's --portal-key and --portal-contracts parameters to retrieve a license

To retrieve a licenses from the customer portal, you need a portal key. The portal key (API key) can be configured in the My Settings > API Key section of the customer portal.


API functionality needs to be activated by Nextron. Please contact support/sales to activate the API functionality.

My Settings > API Key

My Settings > API Key

You can retrieve an appropriate THOR license at the scan start using the built-in --portal-key and --portal-contracts parameters. The --portal-contracts parameter is optional. It can be used to take licenses from a specific contract in case you have more than one and want to use a specific one. If none is set, THOR will automatically retrieve licenses from a contract of the right type. (e.g. retrieve workstation license from the first still valid contract that has workstation licenses available)

Contracts IDs in Customer Portal

Contract IDs in Customer Portal

You can then use the parameters as shown in the following examples:

C:\temp\thor>thor64.exe --portal-key IY5Y36thrt7h1775tt1ygfuYIadmGzZJmVk32lXcud4
C:\temp\thor>thor64.exe --portal-key IY5Y36thrt7h1775tt1ygfuYIadmGzZJmVk32lXcud4 --portal-contracts 3,5

If everything works as expected, you'll see an INFO level message in the output that looks like:

Info License file found LICENSE: portal.nextron-systems.com OWNER: ACME Inc TYPE: Workstation STARTS: 2021/06/23 EXPIRES: 2021/06/30 SCANNER: All Scanners VALID: true REASON:

You can specify a proxy by setting the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables, e.g. to my-proxy.internal:3000.

Username and password can be specified as part of the proxy URL as http://username:password@host:port/. Use the Customer Portal's API to retrieve a license manually

This is a bit more complicated as we've decided long ago that our customer portal will never contain personal or otherwise relatable information and this includes any kind of hostnames - not even in memory. Therefore it's necessary to generate a HMAC SHA1 hash of the lowercased hostname on the client side and include only the hash in the request to our customer portal.

This command generates a HMAC SHA1 of the current host you're working on. If you'd like to generate a license for a different host, simply replace the first part of the command with echo -n "mycustomname".

nextron@unix:~$ echo -n "$(hostname -s)" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | openssl dgst -binary -sha1 -mac hmac -macopt hexkey:b190dd4a98456999b6d9c7e4e1ac1f231b978c3e7652898d7db2fcdede34613dbc7909c9fc8b3177bb904871b8b7fc7a30cb1582ce9b0089397836dcc209e2d6 | base64 | tr '/+' '_-' | tr -d '='

The values needed for a successful request are:

  • $CONTRACT = contract id (set to 0 for automatic selection)

  • $TYPE = [server/client]

  • $HASH = the hash generated from the hostname in the previous step

  • $APIKEY = the API from the User Settings section in the customer portal

nextron@unix:~$ curl -XPOST https://portal.nextron-systems.com/api/public/contracts/issue/$CONTRACT/$TYPE/$HASH?download=1 -H "Authorization: $APIKEY" -o license.lic

A valid license is an encrypted blob of at least 800 bytes. You can check the content of the license for possible error message that came back from the server using xxd.

nextron@unix:~$ xxd license.lic

If you find a Error: HTTP-401 in the file, than you've most likely used an invalid API key.

4.2. Network Share (Windows)

THOR is a lightweight tool that can be deployed in many different ways. It does not require installation and leaves only a few temporary files on the target system.

A lightweight deployment option provides the THOR program folder on a read-only network share and makes it accessible from all systems within the network. Systems in DMZ networks can be scanned manually by transferring a THOR program package to the system and run it from the command line. The locally written log files have the same format as the Syslog messages sent to remote SIEM systems and can be mixed without any problem.

We often recommend triggering the scan via "Scheduled Task" distributed to the systems via GPO or PsExec. The servers access the file share at a given time, pull THOR into memory and start the scan process. You can either mount the network share and run THOR from there or access it directly via its UNC path (e.g. \\server\share\thor.exe or \\server\share\thor64.exe).

Deployment via Network Share

Deployment via Network Share

4.2.1. Place THOR on a Network Share

A good way to run THOR on multiple systems is by defining a "Scheduled Task" using your Windows domain's group policy functionality.

The preferred way to run THOR on a remote system is by providing a network share on which the extracted THOR package resides. You can use this directory as the output directory but it is recommended to create another share with write permissions especially for the HTML and TXT result files. The share that holds the THOR program folder should be read-only. The various output files must be disabled or defined in different locations in order to avoid write-access errors.

The necessary steps are:

  1. Create a network share and extract the THOR package into the root of the share, i.e. \\fileserver\thor\

  2. Find the "thor_remote.bat" batch file, which can be found in the "tools" sub folder, place it directly in the root of the program folder and adjust it to your needs.

    • set the network share UNC path

    • set the parameters for the THOR run (see Scan)

You should then test the setting like this:

  1. Connect to a remote system (Remote Desktop), which you would like to scan

  2. Start a command line "as Administrator" (right click > Run as Administrator)

  3. Run the following command, which is going to mount a network drive, run THOR and disconnect the previously mounted drive: \\fileserver\thor\thor_remote.bat

After a successful test run, you decide on how to invoke the script on the network drive. The following chapters list different options.

4.2.2. Create a Scheduled Task via GPO

In a Windows Domain environment, you can create a Scheduled Task and distribute this Scheduled Task via GPO. This Scheduled Task would invoke the batch file on the network share and runs THOR. Make sure that the respective user account has the rights to mount the configured network share.

You can find more information here

4.2.3. Create a Scheduled Task via PsExec

This method uses Sysinternals PsExec and a list of target systems to connect and create a Scheduled Task via the command line. This could look like the following example:

C:\temp\thor>psexec \\server1 -u domain/admin -p pass schtasks /create /tn "THOR Run" /tr "\\server\share\thor_remote.bat" /sc ONCE /st 08:00:00 /ru DOMAIN/FUadmin /rp password

4.2.4. Start THOR on the Remote System via WMIC

THOR can be started on a remote system via "wmic" using a file share that serves the THOR package and is readable by the user that executes the scan.

C:\temp\thor> wmic /node: /user:MYDOM\scanadmin process call create "cmd.exe /c \\server\thor10\thor.exe"

4.3. ASGARD Management Center (Windows, Linux, macOS)

ASGARD is the central management platform for THOR scans. It manages distributed THOR scans on thousands of systems, collects, forwards and analyses logs. Furthermore, ASGARD can control and execute complex response tasks if needed.

ASGARD comes in two variations: While ASGARD Management Center features scan control and response functions, ASGARD Analysis Cockpit can be used to analyze large amounts of scan logs through an integrated base-lining and case management.

The hardened, Linux-based ASGARD appliance is a powerful, solid and scalable response platform with agents for Windows, Linux and macOS. It provides essential response features like the collection of files, directories and main memory, remote file system browsing and other counteractive measures.

It features templates for scan runs and lets you plan and schedule distributed sweeps with the lowest impact on system resources. Other services are:

  • Quarantine Service - file quarantine via Bifrost protocol

  • Update Service - automatic updates for THOR scanners

  • License Service - central registration and sub license generation

  • Asset Management Service - central inventory and status dashboard

  • IOC Management – manage and scan with custom IOC and YARA rule sets

  • Evidence Collection – collect evidences (files and memory) from asset

ASGARD Management Center

ASGARD Management Center

ASGARD Response Control

ASGARD Response

4.4. Ansible (Linux)

4.4.1. Distribute Run with Ansible

In practice it is crucial to execute THOR on many servers in a network. A possible way to achieve this is described within this paper, taking into account that the footprint on the target should be minimal and that the procedure should not depend on the used Linux Distribution.

4.4.2. Ansible

The software Ansible is a solution to perform tasks distributed over a network on different targets. An Open Source Version is available as well as a version with commercial support for enterprises. Ansible uses SSH to connect to the target hosts and performs a defined set of tasks on them called playbooks. Per default it uses keys for authentication, but this can be setup differently. Please refer to the official documentation for other methods of authentication. The tasks and the targets can be customized using host groups. The host groups may be used to separate different Linux distributions. The other steps may remain the same. Within the playbook any command line option may be customized for the given scenario.

Ansible does parallelization of the tasks by itself. The default amount of parallel executions is five and can be configured using the -f or --forks parameter when starting the playbooks.

4.4.3. Execute THOR using Ansible

The following section will show how to use an Ansible playbook to execute THOR on multiple Linux systems.

It will perform following steps on each system:

  • Create a temporary folder

  • Mount a RAM drive using the folder as mount point

  • Copy THOR to this RAM drive

  • Execute THOR

  • Unmount the RAM drive

  • Delete the temporary folder

4.4.4. Inventory File

First it is needed to define a list of hosts to execute THOR on. This is done by setting up a YAML file with the hostnames or IP addresses of the hosts. This file is later used with the -i parameter in the ansible-playbook command. A simple version of this could look like following:


To learn more about Ansible inventory files and how to use them, please refer to the official documentation:


4.4.5. Ansible Playbook Template

 2- hosts: all
 3#remote_user: root become: true tasks:
 4- name: Create folder for temporary RAM drive
 5command: mkdir /mnt/temp_ram creates=/mnt/temp_ram
 6- name: Create THOR RAM drive on target
 7command: mount -t ramfs -o size=60M ramfs /mnt/temp_ram/ ignore_warnings: true
 8-  name: Copy THOR to RAM drive
 9copy: src=../thor-linux-pack/ dest=/mnt/temp_ram/ ignore_warnings: true
10-  name: Make THOR Executeable
11file: path=/mnt/temp_ram/thor-x64 state=touch mode="0555"
12- name: Execute THOR
13command: /mnt/temp_ram/thor64 -l /mnt/temp_ram/thor.txt creates=/mnt/temp_ram/thor.html
14- name: Fetch Log file
15fetch: src=/mnt/temp_ram/thor.txt dest=../thoransible-output/{{inventory_hostname}}/thor.txt flat=true
16-  name: Unmount temporary RAM drive
18path: /mnt/temp_ram
19state: unmounted
20-  name: check Mount
21command: mount
22-  name: Delete folder for temporary RAM drive
23command: rmdir /mnt/temp_ram/

4.4.6. Usage of THOR's Ansible playbook

Copy the playbook in the main directory of THOR. After this is done it can be started as follows:

nextron@unix:~$ ansible-playbook -f <number_of_parallel_executions> -i <inventory_file> thorplaybook.yml

After the playbook finished running the scans, the output of each system can be found in the thoransible-output directory located at the parent directory of THOR. Therefor it is important that the user starting ansible-playbook has the required rights to write in this directory.

4.4.7. Adjust THOR's Command Line Parameters

Per default this playbook will only start THOR with the parameter that defines the output log file. This can be changed in the playbook in the "Execute THOR"-Task. However, it should be kept in mind, that changing the output log file is not recommended, since the later tasks of the playbook depend on this.

4.5. THOR Thunderstorm Service

The command line flag --thunderstorm starts THOR as a RESTful web service on a given network interface and port. This service receives samples and returns a scan result.

THOR Thunderstorm Overview

THOR Thunderstorm Overview

The service can be started in two scan modes:

  • Pure YARA

  • Full-Featured

In the pure YARA mode (--pure-yara) THOR Thunderstorm only applies the 13,000 internal and all custom YARA rules to the submitted samples. It's lightweight and fast.

The full-featured mode is the default. In this mode Thunderstorm also parses and analyses Windows Eventlogs (EVTX), registry hives, memory dumps, Windows error reports (WER) and more. It's not just a YARA scan, but a full forensic processing.

Under normal circumstances, we recommend using the full-featured mode, since most files are not of a type that triggers an intense parsing function, the processing speed should be similar to the “pure-yara” mode.

It is recommended to use "pure-yara" mode in cases in which:

  • huge forensic artefacts (EVTX or memory dump files) appear on the source systems and overload the Thunderstorm service

  • deeper forensic parsing, IOC matching or other internal THOR checks aren't needed or wanted

The following table contains all THOR Thunderstorm related command line flags:





Watch and scan all files sent to a specific port (see --server-port). Disables resource checks and quick mode, activate intense mode, disable ThorDB and apply IOCs platform independently



IP address that THOR's server should bind to (default


port number

TCP port that THOR's server should bind to (default 8080)


.crt location

TLS certificate that THOR's server should use. If left empty, TLS is not used


.key location

Private key for the TLS certificate that THOR's server should use. Required if --server-cert is specified


Apply only YARA signatures (no IOCs or other programmatical checks)



Path to a temporary directory where THOR drops uploaded files. Only relevant for Windows and MacOS. On Linux, THOR stores files in in-memory files. (default /tmp/thor-uploads)


number of results

Size of the cache that is used to store results of asynchronous requests temporarily. If set to 0, the cache is disabled and asynchronous results are not stored. (default 10000)



Sets whether samples should be stored permanently in the folder specified with --server-upload-dir. Specify all to store all samples, or malicious to store only samples that generated a warning or an alert. (default none)


number of threads

Number of threads reserved for synchronous requests (only needed in environments in which users use both synchronous and asynchronous mode of transmission)


number of threads

Number of threads that the Thunderstorm service should use (default: number of detected CPU cores)

4.5.1. Service License Type

To run THOR in Thunderstorm service mode, you need a special license type named "Service License" that allows this mode of operation.

After the launch of THOR Thunderstorm, we may allow other license types to run THOR in service mode for a limited period of time, so that customers can test the service and its integration into other solutions.

4.5.2. Thunderstorm Collectors

4.5.3. Thunderstorm API Client

We provide a free and open source command line client written in Python to communicate with the Thunderstorm service.


It can be installed with:

nextron@unix:~$ pip install thunderstormAPI

4.5.4. Thunderstorm API Documentation

An API documentation is integrated into the web service.

Simply visit the service URL, e.g.: http://my-server:8080/

Thunderstorm API documentation

Thunderstorm API documentation

4.5.5. Server Installer Script for Linux

A script that facilitates the installation on Linux systems can be found in our github repository.


The installation of a full THOR Thunderstorm server requires only two steps.

  1. Download and place a THOR Service license file in the current working directory

  2. Run the following command

nextron@unix:~$ wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NextronSystems/nextron-helper-scripts/master/thunderstorm/thunderstorm-installer.sh | bash


Please inspect scripts from the internet before executing them!

Everything else will automatically be handled by the installer script. It even supports an “uninstall” flag to remove all files and folders from the system to get the system clean again after a successful proof-of-concept.

Thunderstorm Service Installer

Thunderstorm Service Installer

After the installation, the configuration file is located in /etc/thunderstorm.

The log file of the service can be found in /var/log/thunderstorm.

4.5.6. Thunderstorm Update

The Thunderstorm service gets updated just as THOR does. Use "thor-util update" to update signatures or "thor-util upgrade" to update binaries and signatures. The service has to be stopped during the updates.

Update signatures:

nextron@unix:~$ thor-util update

Upgrade signatures:

nextron@unix:~$ thor-util upgrade

See the THOR Util Manual manual for details on how to use these functions. Thunderstorm Update Script

The Thunderstorm installer script for Linux automatically places an updater script in the PATH of the server system.


Update binaries and signatures:

nextron@unix:~$ thunderstorm-update

Stop service, update binaries and signatures, restart service:

nextron@unix:~$ thunderstorm-update full

4.5.7. Source Identification

The log file generated by THOR Thunderstorm doesn't contain the current host as hostname in each line. By default, it contains the sending source's FQDN or IP address if a name cannot be resolved using the locally configured DNS server.

However, every source can set a “source” value in the request and overwrite the automatically evaluated hostname. This way users can use custom values that are evaluated or set on the sending on the end system.

nextron@unix:~$ curl -X POST "http://myserver:8080/api/check?source=test" -F "file=@sample.exe"

4.5.8. Synchronous and Asynchronous Mode

It is also important to mention that THOR Thunderstorm supports two ways to submit samples, a synchronous and an asynchronous mode.

The default is synchronous submission. In this mode, the sender waits for the scan result, which can be empty in case of no detection or contains match elements in cases in which a threat could be identified.

In asynchronous mode, the submitter doesn't wait for the scan result but always gets a send receipt with an id, which can just be discarded or used to query the service at a later point in time. This mode is best for use cases in which the submitter doesn't need to know the scan results and batch submission should be as fast as possible.



Server API Endpoint



ThunderstormAPI Client Parameter



Returns Scan Result

Faster submission


Client waits for result of each sample

No immediate scan result on the client side

In asynchronous mode, the Thunderstorm service keeps the samples in a queue on disk and processes them one by one as soon as a thread has time to scan them. The number of files in this queue can be queried at the status endpoint /api/status and checked on the landing page of the web GUI.

In environments in which the Thunderstorm service is used to handle synchronous and asynchronous requests at the same time, it is possible that all threads are busy processing cached asynchronous samples and not more synchronous requests are possible.

In this case use the --sync-only-threads flag to reserve a number of threads for synchronous requests. (e.g. --threads 40 --sync-only-threads 10)

4.5.9. Performance Tests

Performance tests showed the differences between the two submission modes.

In Synchronous mode, sample transmission and server processing take exactly the same time since the client always waits for the scan result. In asynchronous mode, the sample transmission takes much less time, but the processing on the server takes a bit longer, since the sever caches the samples on disk.



Client Transmission

40 minutes

18 minutes

Server Processing

46 minutes

Total time

40 minutes

46 minutes

4.5.10. SSL/TLS

We do not recommend the use of SSL/TLS since it impacts the submission performance. In cases in which you transfer files through networks with IDS/IPS appliances, the submission in an SSL/TLS protected tunnel prevents IDS alerts and connection resets by the IPS.

Depending on the average size of the samples, the submission frequency and the number of different sources that submit samples, the transmission could take up to twice as much time.

Note: The thunderstormAPI client doesn't verify the server's certificate by default as in this special case, secrecy isn't important. The main goal of the SSL/TLS encryption is an obscured method to transport potentially malicious samples over network segments that could be monitored by IDS/IPS systems. You can activate certificate checks with the --verify command line flag or verify parameter in API library's method respectively.

4.6. THOR Remote

THOR Remote is a quick method to distribute THOR in a Windows environment. It has been developed during an incident response and can be considered as a clever hack that makes use of PsExec to push and execute THOR with certain parameters on remote systems.


  • Administrative Domain Windows user account with access rights on the target systems

  • Reachability of the target systems (Windows Ports):

    • 135/tcp for SCM (Service Management)

    • 445/tcp for SMB (Mounting)

  • A list of target systems


  • Agent-less

  • Comfortable scanning without scripting

  • Quick results (useful in incident response scenarios)


  • Requires reachability of Windows ports

  • User credentials remain on the target system if it is used with explicit credentials (NTLM Auth) and the users doesn't already use an account that has access rights on target systems (Kerberos Auth)

4.6.1. Usage

A list of parameters used with the remote scanning function can be found in the help screen.

THOR Remote Usage

THOR Remote Usage

As you can see, a list of target hosts can be provided with the help of the new YAML config files. See chapter Configuration for more details.

A YAML file with a list of hosts looks like this:

- winatl001.dom.int
- winatl002.dom.int
- winnyk001.dom2.int

You can then use that file with:

C:\nextron\thor>thor64.exe -t targets.yml

4.6.2. THOR Remote Licensing

Valid licenses for all target systems are required. Place them in the program folder or any sub folder within the program directory (e.g. ./licenses). In case of incident response licenses, just place that single license in the program folder.

You don't need a valid license for the system that runs THOR's remote scanning feature (the source system of the scans, e.g. admin workstation).


You can pair THOR Remote with the License Retrieval options available within THOR, to make deployment easier.

4.6.3. Output

The generated log files are collected and written to the folder ./remote-logs

The "THOR Remote" function has its own interface, which allows you to view the progress of the scans, view and scroll through the log files of the different remote systems.

THOR Remote Interface I
THOR Remote Interface II

THOR Remote Interface

4.6.4. Issues System Error 5 occurred – Access Denied

See: https://helgeklein.com/blog/access-denied-trying-to-connect-to-administrative-shares-on-windows-7/ Running THOR from a Network Share

THOR must reside on the local file system of the source system. Don't run it from a mounted network share. This could lead to the following error:

CreateFile .: The system cannot find the path specified.

4.7. Distribute to Offline Networks / Field Offices

The quickest and most simple way to run THOR is by providing the ZIP archive to the colleagues in the remote location, letting them run the THOR executable and collect the report files afterwards.

The most usable format in this use case is the HTML report if only a few reports have to be analyzed. If the number of collected reports is high, we recommend using ASGARD Analysis Cockpit or Splunk with the free App and Add-on.

ASGARD Analysis Cockpit: https://portal.nextron-systems.com

THOR APT Scanner App: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3717/

THOR Add-On: https://splunkbase.splunk.com/app/3718/

4.8. System Load Considerations

We recommend staging the THOR Run in order to avoid resource bottlenecks (network or on VMware host systems). Especially during the THOR start, program files and signatures get pulled over the network, which is about 30 MB per system. Additionally, the modules, which take only a few seconds or minutes to complete, run first so that the load is higher during the first 10 to 15 minutes of the scan.

It is therefore recommended to define sets of systems that will run at the same time and let other systems start at intervals of an hour.

It is typically no problem to start a big set of physical machines at the same time. But if you start a scan on numerous virtual guests or on remote locations connected through slow WAN lines, you should define smaller scan groups.